Journey phase 3

Execute and transform

The organisational design in practice


During this phase, we roll up our sleeves and bring the organisational design in practice. It is crucial for the success of the transformation that all employees are onboard as we are in this together. Engagement in this phase is very important. Change is never easy but is needed to stay scalable and transform the organisation to grow sustainable.

The process

Once we are all on board, the process starts, step by step to transform the organisation. With the organisation design in mind, the transformation will go as fast as the organisation can handle. Imagine If believes in a hands-on approach by executing several workshops, being on the work floor, to inspect and adapt if necessary. To work together, support the organisation where needed, to make sure the organisation is ready to develop and scale even more.


Related workshops

Depending on the business needs we offer the following workshops in this phase. Also it is possible to book these workshops separately

Department Roadmap

When you know and understand the organisation roadmap, it is important to align the whole organisation. Imagine If could support with setting up a roadmap for different departments, such as a people roadmap, tech & product roadmap or an operations roadmap.

Team Days

It is important for teams to get to know each other, in order to support and achieve better results. Teams in a great, safe atmosphere & organisation climate perform better and are happier at work. Depending on the organisation needs Imagine If offers different team days.


A process framework helps your organisation to develop or redevelop processes. The design will help to understand what will be the process that needs to be followed. It also generates conversations and collaboration. There are a lot of different approaches available depending on the needs of the organisation.


Objective Key Results provides clarity to your organisation, what are the priorities over a given period. Objective Key Results connects employees & teams towards organisational goals, thereby ensuring focus, alignment and acceleration throughout the entire organisation. 


The outcome

The proposed design of the organisation is being implemented, the culture and way of working is starting to imbed in the organisation. It is important to evaluate over time to see if the envisioned design is working. At the end of this phase Imagine If will provide your organisation an overview of the organisation / team maturity and what is the change in regard towards culture and adoption.

What comes next

Phase 4, Continuous Improvement. As your organisation keeps growing and changing, there is a constant need to inspect and adapt your current situation to grow sustainable.

Research (de Haan, 2020) shows that organisations in this growing phase, need to become more professional by setting up the organisational structure, processes, and routine

The 4 phases

The Imagine If journey helps your organisation to understand what works and what is needed, to become a scalable organisation.This journey consists of four phases. Each phase is designed and developed for your organisation. Throughout each phase, we will determine where focus is needed and what will be the next steps as an organisation.
Journey phase 1
Organisational Blueprint

What is needed to become a scalable organisation


Journey phase 2
Organisational Design

This phase is oriented on the design of the organisation


Journey phase 3
Execute & Transform

The organisational design in practice


Journey phase 4
Continuous Improvement

Inspect and adapt to foster sustainable growth